Knowledge Hub
Welcome to Innovista’s Knowledge Hub
Welcome to the Knowledge Hub, where we share our insights, news & expert advice across our sectors. Our purpose is to empower you with Transparency, Education & a commitment to Exceptional Outcomes.
Featured Articles
Granny Flats – What are they and how do they benefit you?
A home just for your grandmother? Not any more! Find out how these incredible pieces of real estate can unlock new found wealth for you and your family.
The Rise of Disability Accommodation in Australia
The NDIS deliver a socially important & critical lifeline to those in the community that require it the most, but what is “SDA” Accommodation & why is this relevant to you?
Is Property Development right for you?
Thinking about becoming a Property Developer? Hang on, it may not be as simple as it seems. A number of challenges lie ahead, and resolving these is critical to your success.

Browse By Category
Granny Flats – What are they and how do they benefit you?
A home just for your grandmother? Not any more! Find out how these incredible pieces of real estate can unlock new found wealth for you and your family.
The Rise of Disability Accommodation in Australia
The NDIS deliver a socially important & critical lifeline to those in the community that require it the most, but what is “SDA” Accommodation & why is this relevant to you?
Is Property Development right for you?
Thinking about becoming a Property Developer? Hang on, it may not be as simple as it seems. A number of challenges lie ahead, and resolving these is critical to your success.
Renovations – When is the right time to do it?
When is the right time to renovate? Seems like a simple question with a simple answer, however it may or may not be the right choice for every situation or scenario.